Hi Friends,
You’re welcome to Charity Connect Podcast.
I’m so excited to write this 😄. You really need to open my heart to know how happy I am to take a bold step further in achieving my dreams doing what I really love 😍.
In this episode of the charity Connect Podcast, I will be introducing you to what charity Connect podcast is about.
After completing my studies at WiGMedia Institute in Lagos, I had been trusting God for what to do next. I thought of going to the radio station to start a program but then I remembered I would be going for NYSC 😕 soonest. So, I postponed it.
Just this concluded week, my friend, Purpose, invited me to a Conference, #TCIFmegaConference, on WhatsApp and I attended.
During the conference, I was so inspired to challenge my statuesque intentionally by the Speakers. One of such Speakers is Dayo Samuel, the Brain behind Audacity2Lead. He gave us a task which I did. After that task, I decided that I am going to lay lasting legacies not because of me but because I don’t want my grandchildren to blame me like I blamed my grandparents. You can’t blame anyone for your failure though.
Brainstorming, I decided to start a podcast after going through his How To Start Your Own Podcast in 7 Days. I love the way he put me through the choosing of Niche and the likes.
It was so easy for me, by God’s grace, to go back to CHARITY CONNECT, a program I presented as one of my projects at the WiGMedia Institute.
You Can Also Watch the Video of What We are About Below
To cut the story short, I have made my first Podcast and I am so excited to tell you about it believing you would listen to it.
In Charity Connect Podcast, we would be connecting donors and donees, NGOs and Volunteers, and also publicizing their works.
Please, tell me what you feel I should adjust in the next Podcast because I really wanna give you the best 😉.
Glory to God!
Thanks to Olawale Perfect and all the people in WiGMedia Institute
Thanks to Christian Charity Networks (CCN), the best Team in the World.
Thanks to You, yes You, for reading and listening in advance.
I love you all.
©Sola Mathew
P. S.
To Listen to this episode, kindly click on play. You can also download above.
Sola, that’s a brilliant intro. I know what the show is all about in just few minutes. I wish you the best.
Thank You very much for your Feedback, Sefa Tsegha.
I’m happy the introduction to Charity Connect Podcast is succinct.
We hope to give you more and better.
Thanks, once again,Sir.