Episode 11: How to Make a Podcast in Nigeria and Make Money from it

by | Nov 20, 2017 | Podcast

Charity connect podcast
Charity Connect Podcast
Episode 11: How to Make a Podcast in Nigeria and Make Money from it

Podcast in Nigeria Podcast is no doubt the new wave in Nigeria. In this podcast episode, you are going to learn how to make a podcast in Nigeria and make money from it. Either you want to make a podcast to promote your business or you just want to make a popular podcast to be popular, you can listen to this guide to learn from it. You can go ahead and click the play button or download to your mobile phone straight away.

What is podcast?

Podcast is any digital audio file which you can download from the internet. This could be in audio or video format.
Last week, I wrote a Guest Post on How to Make a successful Podcast in Nigeria on Pulse.ng. You might want to check it here.

Examples of Podcast in Nigeria

Below are some of the podcasts in Nigeria that I have listened to.

How to Make Money with Podcast in Nigeria

Making money from Podcasting shouldn’t be your priority as a beginner but it’s great if you could make money podcasting.
In this episode, I talk about how you can make money podcasting in Nigeria.
Go ahead and listen to the Podcast now.
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By solamathew

Sola Mathew is an Amazon bestselling author, International Speaker, Digital Marketing Consultant and SDGs Advocate. When Sola is not busy training or building responsive website for clients, he enjoys writing and podcasting on blogs.

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